We've all heard the stats that it costs more to attract a customer than to retain them, but what makes this ongoing relationship so lucrative? Obviously, trust, a great customer experience, and quality service or product are the foundation of customer loyalty. Ideally, however, your customer's relationship with your business will grow over time, rather than stagnate. As you learn more about your customer and their needs change, you have the opportunity to present upsells. However, you need to tread lightly or you risk damaging your reputation with customers. When to use upsell emails There is never a shortage of terms and jargon in marketing, so let's look at some words associated with upselling. Upselling encourages a customer to purchase a more expensive version of your product or upgrade their account. Cross-selling suggests related products or services to complement what the customer has.
The differences between upselling and cross-selling in SaaS emails have to do with what you suggest and when. However, the best practices we'll discuss below apply to both strategies. Are cart abandonment emails a form of upselling? Although the main action of encouraging a customer to buy more than they were going to is similar between these emails, they are not the same. The upsell emails we're going to talk about here are for existing customers or trial users . When E-Commerce Photo Editing Service trying to focus on upsell emails, it helps to consider them in context. Here are some scenarios where you would use an upsell email. After a purchase. "Would you like fries with that?" is a classic upsell just before the sale closes. While you can choose to recommend upsells or cross-sells when someone completes a purchase on your site, upsell emails will come immediately after the sale. At the end of a free trial. Upsell SaaS emails come to the end of a free trial when it's time for a user to make the decision to upgrade to a paid plan.
Likewise, upsell emails are useful to send when a user is approaching their account limits. When a user reaches a milestone. Sending upsell emails isn't just a money grab: you're presenting the best solution for customers. If a customer has reached a particular milestone or anniversary, it might be time to invite them to offer a more advanced solution. When you launch a new product. I already own an iPhone, but Apple sends me emails about their latest devices, hoping to upgrade me. You can do the same! 4 Ideas for Upselling Emails Deciding when to send an upsell email is only part of the equation for achieving maximum conversions. You also need to know what to sell and how to present it. Here are some email upselling best practices to add to your mental toolbox.