Since the start of the war in Ukraine, most Western countries have tried to reduce or completely stop buying Russian fossil fuels. And wars, sanctions and counter-sanctions continue to push up international oil and gas prices. After the rise in energy prices, the economies of European and American countries were under tremendous pressure, inflation began to rise sharply, and the pressure on people's livelihood increased sharply. The EU’s REPowerEU energy strategy to end reliance.
In today's rising energy prices, energy conservation also has a greater economic impetus. Demand for energy has surged as the world economy rebounds in 2021 from a downturn in the pandemic. Electricity demand is growing at a record rate. Since the Paris climate agreement was signed in 2015, countries around the world have encouraged the use of clean energy and reduced fossil energy to protect the natural environment. Growth in power generation from wind and solar. But green energy is not enough to replace fossil energy generation. At the same time, countries began to red Raster to Vector Conversion
traditional fossil energy power. Japan's power supply has been strained since an earthquake in northeastern Japan in March 2022 forced some nuclear power plants to suspend operations. Japan also closed several aging fossil fuel plants to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. These problems, combined with a surge in electricity demand, have led to a power crunch.
Tokyo time to save energy. In addition to Japan, the governments of Australia, France, Germany and many other countries have also put forward energy-saving requirements to the public. Australia's energy minister has urged NSW and Sydney to turn off lights for two hours a night to save electricity. French officials have called on the public to save electricity and natural gas as early as the end of March. German Deputy Chancellor and Minister of Economy and Climate Protection Habeck called on the public to reduce the time of bathing to save energy; he said in the media that he never took a bath for more than five minutes. Why are relatively wealthy Western countries so concerned about energy? 1. The war led to pressure on energy supply and demand Since 2020, global energy prices have begun to rise due to the economic recovery of various countries after the epidemic has been in short supply; especially after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, global energy prices have continued to rise.